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About Us

The Hillsdale Community Foundation exists to strengthen community among those who live and work in Hillsdale.

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In early 2006, The Hillsdale Alliance, an informal organization of representatives from a coalition of Hillsdale civic groups, decided to establish the non-profit Hillsdale Community Foundation. To fund it, Alliance volunteers began the Hillsdale Book Sale, selling thousands of books donated by the community. The first sale was in the summer of 2006. Over the years each sale has raised between $3000 and $5000 for the foundation.


The foundation itself was launched in 2009 when it began making grants for community projects. In early 2011, the foundation contributed to and managed the three-year-long Hillsdale Main Street program, using matching funds from the City of Portland. Main Street led the community to undertake numerous improvement projects in the commercial “Hillsdale Town Center.” (examples are listed under “projects”).


Since 2014 the foundation board has made grants of approximately $5000 annually to individuals and organizations requesting funds for qualifying community undertakings.

In 2018 our focus changed to community building by supporting events that bring people together. We want you to love Hillsdale as much as we do!


©2025 by Hillsdale Community Foundation. HCF is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. 

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